Tempeh, in Indonesian tradition, combines soybeans with the culture of the fungus Rhizopus Oligosporus and is then packed in banana leaves to ferment at room temperature over a couple of days. However, as it gains...
Tempeh, in Indonesian tradition, combines soybeans with the culture of the fungus Rhizopus Oligosporus and is then packed in banana leaves to ferment at room temperature over a couple of days. However, as it gains...
For our ancestors foraging the woods for food was an arduous and necessary activity for their survival. In Sweden today we fortunately don’t have to venture out into the wilderness to secure our survival. Today...
During my initial research for the project, one of the factors that caught my attention was that, the catering services in Lund have shifted from using blocks of Gouda cheese to pre-sliced cheese, even though...
“myop” is a set that offers a traditional way of preparing fresh pasta at home, as an artisan or a small restaurant. It consists of all the various tools needed to prepare different pasta shapes...
Before humans cultivated crops as farmers, we were hunter-gatherers. We forged anything that was edible from local sources. Now, several thousand years later, picking berries is still a big part of Swedish culture, albeit on...
Over 3000 coffee sacks get thrown away every day by one of the leading coffee makers in Sweden; this, combined with the firewood shortage, inspired me for this project. VED is a packing solution for...
In today’s society where big farms are getting bigger and the distance between people and agriculture is just growing. It’s important to take a step back to the roots and value the intimate relationship we...
Processed food is everywhere and you don’t have to make a big effort to fill your stomach. But as accessible as it is, there are still people who spend hours producing food from scratch that...
Traditional herb growing in sheds uses large quantities of disposable plastic seedling trays and planting trays, resulting in the production of large amounts of plastic waste. In order to convert part of the linear process...
Can you smell the freshly baked bread? It comes from these crates prepared by a Swedish bakery to be delivered to its local partner. Whether in a restaurant or the staff cafeteria, you can now...