
Destruction & Regeneration

All the wood in this object was scavenged and salvaged from wood found in different places of the city. The scrap pieces were carefully cut and assembled by hand to create a new volume. A...

Exsqueeze Me!

We import and throw away a large amount of food today. However, the trend of seasonal and locally produced food has risen. This was the inspiration for my project. I was picking apples in my...

Toy Pots

The purpose of this collection is to attract or inspire people to have a connection and interaction with the plants they grow. Toys always draw people’s attention and, no matter what age you are, people...


Grow-mato is a playful object that has the purpose of helping people, particularly children, connect to nature by exploring the basic principles of growing a tomato plant. In modern society, many have become unaware of...

Urban Fruit Picker

Get the fruits growing in your urban environment! Our trees providing us with fruitful goods, but they are rarely touched. Why should we buy fruits in the supermarket, supporting imports from far away, if we...

Growing Consciously

Water is the main element encountered through the whole food chain: from growing the food, to cleaning and cooking it. For this reason, water serves as an inspiration source for this project. The objective is...

Victoria Plum Pitter

Swedish plums ripens between August and October. Plums can´t be stored for long without going bad, so in order to enjoy Swedish plums during the rest of the year you need to preserve them. Traditionally...

Growing Waste

When people prepare food a lot of waste is thrown away such as plastic, paper, glass and food. A lot of the stuff that is discarded as trash can be reused in different ways to...

Wooden Whisky Tumbler

While carving wooden cups for a more enjoyable coffee and its specific haptic and patina properties, a transformation into a whisky tumbler happened. Whiskey is surrounded by wood during its entire aging process in the...

Hammer Time

While carving, the realization of the importance of the knife as a tool to make other tools becomes crystal clear. Using only a knife and what seemed to be an unlimited amount of wood, what...