
Zero Waste Packaging

Food packaging is one of the largest waste sources of a household. The food is transported from the store to your home, where it gets stored. When the food gets eaten, the package is thrown...

Wooden Whisky Tumbler

While carving wooden cups for a more enjoyable coffee and its specific haptic and patina properties, a transformation into a whisky tumbler happened. Whiskey is surrounded by wood during its entire aging process in the...

Victoria Plum Pitter

Swedish plums ripens between August and October. Plums can´t be stored for long without going bad, so in order to enjoy Swedish plums during the rest of the year you need to preserve them. Traditionally...

Urban Fruit Picker

Get the fruits growing in your urban environment! Our trees providing us with fruitful goods, but they are rarely touched. Why should we buy fruits in the supermarket, supporting imports from far away, if we...

Toy Pots

The purpose of this collection is to attract or inspire people to have a connection and interaction with the plants they grow. Toys always draw people’s attention and, no matter what age you are, people...

Tea Kit

Drinking tea is a common habit all around the world. Nowadays, it’s easy to meet different cultures and traditions of tea, but the spirit of drinking tea, which presents revival and relax are still the...

Soil Cube

With this hand carved tool, people will no longer have the need for plastic or paper growing pots which in extension have a negative environmental effect. By simply compressing the soil in to cubes, the...

Significant digging

Spread of mass-produced food changed people’s relation to growing. Inventions decreased knowledge, interest and enjoyment of the growing process as well as it reduced food quality and taste. Natural, fresh and nutritious vegetables, fruits and...

Seed Keeper

An upcoming trend on today’s market is to grow more and more at home. Many people feel a desire to find their way back to nature, and home growing could be one step towards the...

Pi Pa Po

With this hand carved tool children are able to produce their own paper pots for planting seeds. By reusing paper waste they can create pulp that will serve as the raw material to shape pots...