Billions of plastic forks, knives, spoons, bowls, plates and trays are thrown away each year1. Caseloop is a reusable burger/fries container designed for fast food restaurants, to battle this horrifying statistic, by offering a reusable...
Billions of plastic forks, knives, spoons, bowls, plates and trays are thrown away each year1. Caseloop is a reusable burger/fries container designed for fast food restaurants, to battle this horrifying statistic, by offering a reusable...
We need to explore new possibilities to overcome the strained food system of today and utilize the potential food sources around us. All along the Scandinavian coast grows seaweed, many of the species being ones...
Coffee, thanks to fika, is a huge common habit in Sweden, mainly consumed at home or work. Nature and coffee lovers often brew themselves a coffee while hiking in the forest or on a mountain....
Making your own mustard can be a fun and easy way to include the local farmers in the cycle of food. When buying mustard seeds to producers, you encourage the interaction with the local community...
Nowadays many people plant vegetables and fruits, most commonly apples, in their yards. What we don’t realize is that the surplus food harvested should make full use, instead of leaving them rot in the ground...
In the modern world, beekeeping has become more and more industrial. Humans have developed hives that are more practical to operate and yield more product but it is at a cost of the bees’ wellbeing....
Approximately 394 edible fruits, herbs, nuts and berries can be found in the city of Lund, Sweden, including 220 fruit trees such as apple, pear, plum, cherry and kvitten trees. As you pass those trees...
Tempeh, in Indonesian tradition, combines soybeans with the culture of the fungus Rhizopus Oligosporus and is then packed in banana leaves to ferment at room temperature over a couple of days. However, as it gains...
For our ancestors foraging the woods for food was an arduous and necessary activity for their survival. In Sweden today we fortunately don’t have to venture out into the wilderness to secure our survival. Today...
During my initial research for the project, one of the factors that caught my attention was that, the catering services in Lund have shifted from using blocks of Gouda cheese to pre-sliced cheese, even though...