Child Design/ers

Designed by children

There are many things designed for children but few of them are designed by children. What needs do children experience? What are their preferred solutions? 

This project has been a collaboration between me and a school class (age 8-9) with the dual goals of giving children more power to shape their surroundings and giving me a greater understanding of the design process by leading them through it. The class has been part of the project from start to end. From creating the brief – Make it less boring and difficult to tidy up – and all the way to contributing ideas for the colour scheme and name of the final product: SAMMY is a tool for collecting all those little things – legos, beads, pens, socks – that get strewn across your floor and then take a while to pick up one by one. It is a helpful companion that mechanically sweeps these things into its belly and then lets you pour them out directly where they belong. 

Project info
Linnea Petzold