

A transition into the future of charging. (*BREAK) Constellation is a large pad with multiple Qi-ready charging spots, ready for always-charged storage and/or display of your devices using the latest technology. Accompanying the pad are...


Efterlyst is a stationary light source with the function of being used as a mobile area light. The lamp continues to illuminate during a power outage due to its integrated battery. The custom cylindrical plexiglass...


Notifications, feeds and messages, we are tired of being connected to the social media all the time. Now it’s time to get off the grid, dröm is a wireless charging lamp which provides gentle and...


SKOGSBAD, meaning “forest bathing” is the therapy of being in nature, which is important to our mental and physical health. SKOGSBAD aims to bring the experience of sun rays shining through leaves and trees, into...


SPEGLA is a round shaped mirror with an adjustable rod that is placed together with plants in your home. The end of the rod is put directly into the soil in the pot. The mirror...


A line of products designed to initiate water-saving habits by refreshing your clothes and accessories through odor removal. These products are designed to target various lifestyles, a bag to stuff your used socks and smaller...


Stretchy is a foldable drying rack designed to encourage people to hang clothes to dry instead of using a drying machine. The drying machine people nowadays taking for granted is actually responsible for a large...


Life doesn’t need to be orderly all the time. Norder signifies this by allowing and stimulating different ways of hanging, making it easier to go in and out of the home by actually appreciating our...


In a society always more connected and globalized is fundamental to understand the importance of cultural integration. Dela is a sideboard that wants to create awareness about the phenomena of immigration and celebrate the opportunities...


A lot of children products will be thrown away or idle because of their physical development, such as height and weight. This is a waste of resources. Rolling bookshelf is a product that users can...