
A sustainable toy

A thrilling expedition through high treetops and deep forests is just getting started. The course of the adventure is in your hands, it begins now and it starts with a point. 

Reducing plastic waste and designing for reusability is important. The concept of the toy TerraPopp is ment to inspire sustainable use of material in a plastic-dominated industry.

Each piece in the playset is made from recycled HDPE. 

To minimize contamination of the material, the coloring is determined by random variations within the recycled HDPE that could be used in the production of TerraPopp. What is built with the set can easily be taken apart into individual parts. All parts are marked with the recycling symbol       to help with the correct handling of the material beyond the product lifespan. 

The playset automatically stores itself on the wall, so there is no need for disassembly when playtime is over. It allows you to make an effortless return to playing in the world that you have built. TerraPopp can always be rearranged to take you on new and exciting adventures.

Project info
Frederike Kemna