We need to explore new possibilities to overcome the strained food system of today and utilize the potential food sources around us. All along the Scandinavian coast grows seaweed, many of the species being ones that are popular in Asian cooking but unfamiliar in Nordic cuisine.
Recently, more and more people have begun to see the potential in farming seaweed in Scandinavia as it only needs water and sunlight to thrive. Tångst focuses on cultivating bladderwrack, a perennial alga rich in nutrients and found along the Swedish coast. It plays a vital role in our seas, serving as a home for marine species and cleaning the ocean by binding nitrogen and phosphorus. However, the past decades of overfertilization have led to a reduced stock of bladderwrack.
Tångst is a proposal for a marine allotment of bladderwrack farming. It consists of a cork buoy, a concrete buoy stone, and a basket in stainless steel wire. The eye-catching red colour makes it easy to spot at sea and the parts can easily be replaced if damaged. Bladderwrack has many culinary uses, it can be eaten raw, pickled or fried, to name a few. Additionally, It can also be used as a sustainable fertilizer for on-land farming.