Loaded Jewellery
According to the World Health Organisation (WHO), every third woman worldwide experiences violence in the physical or sexual form in her lifetime. Out of fear of crime, 58 percent of women avoid certain places and parks at night to reduce the possibility of attack, and 41 percent try not to leave the house at all. Despite the fact that things have changed for the better in recent decades (at least in Europe and North America), most of the outside world is in no way safe, as women are exposed to violence from strangers as well as familiar and trusted persons every day.
Products such as alarm keychains, kubatons, and stun guns are increasingly bought/used, mainly to give women a greater sense of security. Based on this data and the misogyny associated with it, I would like to draw attention to the problem of “violence against women” with my project Loaded Jewellery. The products shown here combine jewellery (which is often read as a female accessory) with common weapons, such as grenades or throwing stars. This contradictory and absurd combination (also called “Chimera”) is meant to lead to discussion and further debate, to hopefully make the world a little safer for women too.