Cloth Pack
Grocery shopping is part of most people’s daily routine. When shopping, either a plastic- or paper bag will be used for each type of food, and then after arriving home and unpacking food, those bags will be thrown away because they are not durable enough. According to studies, 5 trillion plastic bags will be consumed this year, and less than 1% will be recycled. The rest will end up in landfills and the ocean.
This project started off with the aim of designing a one-for-all cyclic daily use packing that is easy for grocery shopping and food storage.
The design is made of only cotton materials, as it is sustainable to make and easy to clean. Double layer cheesecloth provides enough strength, but also allows people to have a sneak peek at the food due to its transparency. The wide loop gives extra support to the bottom and can be used as a handle. Drawstring helps prevent food from falling out. The ribbon knots at the end of the drawstring offer color and playfulness to the package, and also allow people to classify food.