SAZ-23 is a game controller that was developed to train the fine motor skills of astronauts in zerogravity. The A, B, X, and Y buttons are not distributed over one button each, as is the...
SAZ-23 is a game controller that was developed to train the fine motor skills of astronauts in zerogravity. The A, B, X, and Y buttons are not distributed over one button each, as is the...
The concept for moving and context-flexible furniture co-exists with increasingly open floor plan of modern living spaces and desire for versatility in furniture arrangements. Realizing the impact of humanitarian crisis moving further into the 21st...
Envisioning the future of hybrid collaboration with the use of
The transition from paper work to computer work has significantly altered our lighting requirements, necessitating a corresponding evolution in desk lamps. With the rise of remote working culture and the prevalence of video conferencing, the...
My research on forestry in Iceland shows that there are opportunities for local wood production. By designing outdoor furniture made out of local wood the aim of the project is to help people experience nature...
The purpose of this project is to explore the relationship between people and their home environment. In modern apartments with limited space, the distinct silhouette of individual furniture becomes blurred when they are placed alongside...
We’re diving into an age of chaos. Supply chain disruptions, environmental and economic crises, and wars are hitting the news daily. Chaos is a set of furniture that explores a design solution for both manufacturers...
Sponsored by KVADRAT The rise of communal living due to population growth, a decrease in affordable living and the instability in the world has created a shift towards sharing more prominent than ever before. As...
Humans evolved from a nomadic lifestyle to having settled down with permanent housing. This caused the cooking to be allocated into a fixed kitchen space. Through globalisation and technological developments many people are living a...
A jacket designed for riding and the daily tasks of caring for horses. Being around horses includes needs, safety risks and movements that are irrelevant in most other situations. The cut, proportions and features of...