Ung 7 2009 – Maria Johansson

Maria Johansson, Industrial Design LTH, year 5, was selected as one of Ung 7 2009. The seven young designers were presented at the Möbelmässan in Stockholm in 2009 and the exhibition will go on throughout the world and in Sweden.
Design Statistics
Is there a designer type? To what degree are designers individualists and what does the most common designer look like? The Design Statistics Annual tries to find the answers. The book examines how designers are portrayed, where they come from, and what they do. All facts are presented in illustrative diagrams, reproductions of portrait photos and text. One year’s edition of iD Magazine has been thoroughly reviewed, and all names, products and photos have been registered and posted.

The jury’s justification (translated): There are many different ways of presenting facts and different ways of criticizing prevailing circumstances. The Design Statistics Annual does so with self-perception and warmth, without being ambiguous. An inviting and entertaining publication that manages to present statistics in a dry, factual, educational, but at the same time absolutely fun, disarming and playful way. A revealing report on the design canon which, by presenting insignificant facts, gives us the key to a deeper understanding.
Juryns motivering: Det finns många olika sätt att presentera fakta och olika sätt att kritisera rådande förhållanden. Design Statistics Annual gör det med självironi och värme, utan att vara övertydlig. En inbjudande och underhållande publikation som lyckas presentera statistik på ett torrt, sakligt, pedagogiskt och samtidigt helt fantastiskt roligt, avväpnande och lekfullt sätt. Ett avslöjande reportage om formvärlden som genom att presentera tillsynes obetydlig fakta ger oss nyckeln till en djupare förståelse.