How can a physical work environment be created that is a part of preventing mental health issues such as depression and burnout. Which aspects of human nature have to be taken into account in doing so?
The liveliness of being human distinguishes us from machines and computers, and it is precisely these aspects that can probably never be completely replaced. Empathy, creativity, and teamwork are therefore of great importance. But what role do our physical surroundings, and spaces, play in this? How can a workspace look, that supports the Aliveness of us? Aliveness means fluctuation, play, joy, curiosity, and much more.
VIVID is therefore a platform that combines sustainability goals with social goals. Modules made of mycelium
composite are playfully and individually attached to a wall system. The user can thus freely create his or her own work environment, depending on the mood, preferences, and working circumstances.
It is possible, for example, to create a biophilic environment. This concept was developed together with the company Nordgröna. Starting with intensive material research in the field of bio-based materials, the use of fungal networks that bind plant fibers emerged. These replace plastic binders and guarantee full compostability or the reusability of the fibers to grow into a new mycelium product.
Within the project, the focus was on a shelving system but many other modules like plant pots, tables, and lamps are possible.