This project seeks to inspire people and industries to replace plastics by redefining useful everyday objects under a theme of ‘keeping your house clean’. The ultimate goal of the project is to reduce environmentally harmful plastic waste generation. In addition, I would like to see the appreciation of these relatively cheap objects increase to the level where people don’t want to hide them into the cabinets when they are not in use.
The objects are made of aluminium and manufactured locally by sand casting method. The sourcing of aluminium is energy consuming, but when the material is in use, it circulates well in the industry. It is a relatively cheap material, thus making it a good alternative for plastics. It is an inorganic material that would not be harmful to living organisms in case it ended up in the environment.
It is not that long ago when human and nature lived more in harmony together. There are a lot of sustainable solutions from those times that we can get inspired by. This project seeks to bring some of those insights to our modern world to remind us of the sustainable life in harmony with nature.