Vacuum cleaners are often thrown away with the motor still working, but re-using those motors is complicated because their dimensions are not standardized, they vary in power, etc. and for that reason they often just go to waste. But any waste can become a resource, if we can find a good use for it, so I developed tenok – an open-source DIY vacuum cleaner that can be equipped with most motors, hoses and power cords from disposed models. Tenok can be made with the help of rather simple tools and a desktop 3D-printer and the easy-to-build design has even more benefits: While most vacuum cleaners soon trigger our consumer-instinct to dispose and rebuy when their shiny surfaces start to look old, scratchy and icky, this hardly happens to wooden boxes. Imagine a device you can use your whole life because you do not need to rely on manufacturer-specific spare parts, filters, dustbags… or stop imagining and start building!