The goal of this project was to find a way to handle fear and stress, mainly aviophobia which is the fear of flying. I researched what happens to our body when experiencing stress both physically and mentally, and how to manage it.
What interested me was how we can engage the body to relax the mind. I decided to work with the seatings in the gate at an airport. The benefits of using a piece of furniture with movement are several: contemplative actions that activate our vestibular system have an calming effect on the user; the use of mild body exercise minimizes the risk of a panic attack; the movement helps the body to acclimate the movement on an airplane; and the association to a hammock will provide stress relief in itself.
Analyzing the form expression of the words “movement” and “play” led me to the visual characteristics of the final product. The similarity of building blocks stacked on top of each other and the modularity associates with playfulness – that using this product is fun.
The final product became a public seating system that calms people through movement in the state of waiting, which enhances playfulness. It can be placed in any waiting room or setting where people could have an increased level of stress, for example in train stations, health centers or in gates at airports.
People should not be limited by fear.