Seed Keeper
An upcoming trend on today’s market is to grow more and more at home. Many people feel a desire to find their way back to nature, and home growing could be one step towards the right direction. In order to achieve growing, seeds are required and hence arises a need for a proper storage system during the winter, this in order to maintain the seed’s viability. A proper storage system means that the environment should be dark and cool temperature.
According to these circumstances, this carved seed box was created to enable a correct storage for many different types of seeds in one single box without putting their viability at risk. It can easily be placed in a cooler environment and the different numbers on its side helps the potential user to remember where the different seeds are placed.
The different sizes of the pockets aren’t only motivated by an aesthetic approach, but also to fulfil the potential user’s different needs. Among the more common seeds the size varieties, just as the users desired amount of planted seeds.