Orchid Flower Pot
The aim of this project was to address the issue of linear systems or products and develop them into cyclic ones. The aspects of economy, ecology and society should be considered in this sustainable development.
My take on this brief was to design an orchid flower pot in glass that could replace the existing pots in plastic, which people today either hide in decorative flower pots or throw away entirely to replant their orchids in a non-plastic pot.
The idea was to design a glass orchid flower pot which would
come with the orchid already when you buy it in a flower shop. This glass pot should be one you can put directly on your windowsill when you get home with your new orchid. It should be a flower pot with a higher value that you would want to keep and use.
The transparency of glass is ideal for letting light through, as the roots of orchids photosynthesize and require sun. For plant keepers, a way of telling if your orchid is healthy is to look at the roots.