With tourism in Europe expected to continue its upward trend, the demand for sustainable transport options is more pressing than ever. Recognising the environmental implications of ones transport choices, tourists are seeking ways to reduce their CO2-footprint while pursuing meaningful experiences. Railways aligns greatly with these demands. However, today we see an ‘attitude-behavior gap,’ where consciousness around sustainable travel isn’t translating into people’s travel choices. This project aims to improve the user experience of train travel to make it a natural choice for cross boarder travels in Europe in 2035. Today train offers a sense of adventure that travellers appreciate. However, the experience can be challenging as the planning and on-journey experience require travellers to navigate all aspects of the journey themselves. In order to spark a sense of exploration and boost confidence across the experience I’ve designed a digital solution that focus on creating a flexible and seamless travel experience. The application is taking advantage of community-driven inspiration, multi-destination booking, personalisation of the experience, comprehensive information to help anticipate the journey ahead and a seamless rebooking system. All in an account based platform. Let us skip the next flight and get back Ontrack.