One, two, three and four-legged stools
One, two, three and four-legged stools – an exploration in craftsmanship In cooking it is often said that a good ingredient speaks for itself, meaning if you have a good ingredient not much is needed in order to create a good dish. Could this be adopted within the design field? What if we saw craftsmanship as our ingredient, the foundation of which we design? In this project, I want to be a designer that curates craftsmanship, letting it speak for itself, telling the story of passion and knowledge that a craftsman possesses. In this project, I made craftsmanship an inherent part of the design process. My way of doing this is by adopting the concept of making is thinking, thinking is making. By making multiple iterations of stools, I have gone through a process of selection and rejection, in order to find my way to the final outcome. The result is one, two, three, and four-legged stools all made in solid Oregon pine.