By 2030, it is predicted that 825 million children —half of today’s youth generation— will reach adulthood without the skills they need to thrive in work and life.
Recent studies have shown and confirmed that playing has a central role in learning and preparing children for challenges later on. There’s a link between play and identity, as children carry many forms of play into their adult behaviour.
This project aims to make use of the playing time as a base for teaching and learning those real world skills that children need in order to address the challenges they will face in the future, regardless of where they live.
Ludico is an explorative educational tool, designed for children’s modern playing sessions performed in public spaces/institutions, such as schools or museums.
This project has different outcomes:
It’s a large-scale set of building parts and pieces, to joint together to create an endless variety of playful and colorful structures, to play in, on and around.
It’s a collection of challenges, to use as invitations for play.
It’s an educational method, with principles, tips and guidelines to maximise the playful experience.
Ludico is designed to promote and stimulate children’s creativity, cognitive development, social engagement, physical activity and sense of community. It encourages children to be creators, problem solvers, to work cooperatively, to illustrate and explain ideas, to ask questions and wonder about the possibilities they can explore through each play session or challenge they are performing.