There are many opportunities for designers and manufacturers to change consumer behaviour – an important and necessary step towards a less wasteful way of living. I see a need for an example product which could empathise keeping instead of changing.
An extensive deep-dive into the psychology surrounding the subject keeping was conducted. This, in combination with own reflections on how future design values could look like, was done to create a clear vision of a design language that has the potential to become timeless. Full scale prototyping and regular evaluations with the help of workshop professionals made it possible to quickly get a sense of what’s working and what’s not.
The result is called KONSTANTEN – a semi-foldable balcony chair that can be mass produced on a foundation of circular economy with an individual detail on each chair. The form language communicates honesty and satisfaction with the folding function in focus.
KONSTANTEN shows different tools designers and manufacturers can use to increase personal felt value in a product, which can lead to consumers keeping their products for a long period of time. It’s an example of how transparency and honesty in production and function can create something satisfying – and something that can be translated into other products and other production processes.