A nebuliser is a drug delivery device used to administer drugs in the form of a mist inhaled into the lungs. Nebulisers are commonly used for the treatment of asthma, cystic fibrosis, COPD and other respiratory diseases or disorders.
To travel with a nebuliser can be challenging. To avoid bacterial growth the nebuliser needs to be sterilized after each use. However, even though the nebuliser itself is portable the suggested method for sterilization is not, leaving it up to the user to find a suitable solution on how to sterilize their nebuliser on a daily basis.
Hebe is a portable sterilizing device for portable nebulisers. Using inductive heat to warm up water to boiling temperature in 1,5 minutes, the sterilization process is shortened down to a few minutes. Once finished sterilizing, simply put the induction plate and cord inside of the boiling container, turn on the lid and go travel the world!