Clip Bench
When a giant paper clip is bent, what can it be used for? This bench is an aesthetic and visual impact product. It uses the original function of the office supply piece to clamp the seating surface, reminding those around it that this is no ordinary bench. It makes us think again about the ways in which small, ordinary objects can serve us and shape our lives.
This striking creation reimagines conventional seating by taking a quintessential desk accessory and transforming it into an awe-inspiring work of art. Through the process of magnification, the humble paper clip transcends its usual utility to become the supporting leg of the bench. The fusion of these two disparate objects, the giant clip and the seating surface, results in a remarkable hybrid that challenges conventional notions of form and function. Combining these two products different in size by a dozen times creates a novel chimera. It also provides new insight into the many surprises that life holds around us, if only we would notice them.