Camouflage Tiles
“There is no denying the cleanliness; every nook and corner is pure white. Yet what need is there to remind us so forcefully of the issue of our own bodies. [. . .] The cleanliness of what can be seen only calls up the more clearly thoughts of what cannot be seen.”
– Jun’ichirō Tanizaki, In praise of shadows, 1933
We brush our teeth morning and night.
We shower, we shave, we bleed.
We comb our hair.
We sit, we squat, we stand.
We cleanse ourselves and make us look beautiful.
We clean, we swipe, we look in the mirror.
We are human, after all.
Camouflage Tiles is a collection of bathroom tiles embracing humanity. Inspired by what we see but don’t want to see in the bathroom.
Everyday life. Our own bodies.