2019 Physical Computing Workshop

Simulating circuits online tinkercad.com/circuits

Hardware and software helper circuito.io

Code reference https://www.arduino.cc/reference/en/
Code reference https://sparkfuneducation.com/classroom-downloads/arduino-cheatsheet.html

Tutorial resource https://learn.adafruit.com
Tutorial resource https://learn.sparkfun.com/tutorials
Tutorial resource https://www.arduino.cc/en/Tutorial/HomePage

Forum https://arduino.stackexchange.com
Forum https://forums.adafruit.com
Forum https://forum.arduino.cc/index.php

Ideas for mechanics https://www.mekanizmalar.com
Ideas for mechanisms http://507movements.com

Sourcing components https://www.elfa.se/
Sourcing components https://www.electrokit.com/
Sourcing components https://www.conrad.se/
Sourcing components https://www.farnell.com/
Sourcing components https://eu.mouser.com/
Sourcing components https://www.pololu.com/
Sourcing components https://www.digikey.se/en

Electronic Components for CAD https://www.traceparts.com/
Electronic Components for CAD https://www.3dcontentcentral.com/
Electronic Components for CAD https://grabcad.com/
Electronic Components for CAD https://github.com/KiCad/kicad-packages3D
Electronic Components for CAD https://library.io/explore/3dmodels
Electronic Components for CAD https://github.com/FreeCAD/FreeCAD-library/tree/master/Electrical%20Parts
And often from the manufacturer’s site

Arduino Cookbook (already mentioned in email, in the project folder on the shared drive)
Electronics For Dummies (already mentioned in email, in the project folder on the shared drive)


Sparkfun Online Experiment Guide

Day 1: Introduction, Blink & Potentiometer



Circuit 1A: Sparkfun Blink
Circuit 1B: Sparkfun Potentiometer

Coding Concepts

All references on Arduino site

void — data type used with functions to return nothing
int — data type that returns an integer (no decimal)

setup(); — runs once before the loop
loop(); — runs repetitively over and over

How to write and call your own function
return val; — returns something from a function

pinMode(pin, val); — sets up a digital pin (i.e. INPUT or OUTPUT)
digitalWrite(pin, val); — writes a pin to output HIGH or LOW
analogWrite(pin, val); — writes a pwm (~) pin between 0 and 255
digitalRead(pin); — reads a 1 or 0, high or low, 0V or 5V, on a digital pin (i.e. button)
analogRead(pin); — reads a sensor from 0 – 1024 on analog pin (i.e. potentiometer)
delay(val); — stops the processing of the board and waits for “val” millis

Information about serial and the functions
Serial.begin(val); — starts the serial communication at a “baud” rate so that the computer and the board can communicate
Serial.print(val); — prints a value to the serial monitor without a line break
Serial.println(val); — prints a value to the serial monitor with a line break

How to calculate the slope of a line (mx+b=y)
Easing equation calculator

Hardware Concepts

Most of what we are working with is 5V right now. Therefore, analog reads in a resolution of 0 – 1024 and digital PWM (pulse width modulation, duty cycle) from 0 – 255. As a result when voltage is read and output it is anywhere from 0 to 5V.

Image result for pwm wave"

LEDs have both a cathode (-) and an anode (+) side. The longer leg is anode because it has more. The shorter leg is anode and has a notch cut from the bulb because it has less.

Image result for LED cathode anode"

A resistor acts to impede (I) the electricity. They will reduce the voltage according to Ohm’s Law ( Ω )

Image of 4, 5, and 6 band resistors and what each band stands for
reference & color calculator

A potentiometer is like a resistor that can be adjusted to provide more or less resistance. It should be connected to an analog pin when being read by an arduino and will return a value between 0 and 1024. A potentiometer is marked with a resistance in ohms, representing the max impedance (I).

Coding Concepts

#include <Library.h> — includes a library, like Servo.h, to utilize in the code

Information about delays and millis
millis(val); — reads the internal clock
delay(val); — stops the internal clock and waits

array[] = {}; — creates an addressable matrix of values