Polish Palette
Humans have always cared about beauty, and nail art has been practiced for thousands of years. For many, manicure is a ritual. Commercial nail polish however contains chemicals and toxins that are harmful to both...
Humans have always cared about beauty, and nail art has been practiced for thousands of years. For many, manicure is a ritual. Commercial nail polish however contains chemicals and toxins that are harmful to both...
Humans are not nocturnal, we depend on light to be active and effective. Electricity made candles a curiosity and no longer a necessity, their use nearly stopped, but their popularity has been steadily increasing since...
The nettle is a surprisingly useful plant; it has properties similar to those of spinach and ginseng combined, such as an abundance of Vitamin A and Iron. So why don’t we make more use of...
Nowadays, chemical pigments and dyes are used in most printing and coloration applications. Anything from clothing to packaging to the food we eat can contain chemical dyes that are toxic or harmful to us, our...
Single-use grills are popular, but their lifecycle is entirely linear and they often litter parks and green areas. Could there be an equally convenient, cyclic alternative that could be used repeatedly? Flergångsgrill is a service...
More than 640,000 tons of fishing nets litter our oceans today, making up around 10 percent of oceanic litter worldwide. These nets continue fishing passively, endangering aquatic animals that can get tangled up, and harming...
There is a massive demand for paper around the world. For some high quality papers like cardstock, there are large amounts of waste during the manufacturing process. After in-depth research on the paper making processes...
Nowadays pens are often handed out for quick advertising, unfortunately they are linear products. How can we change the way writing instruments are made to make them more cyclic? The Encore Pen is a timeless...
In our office we have blurred lines between working hours and fun times. The ping pong breaks and coffee rituals are the small things that make us inspired to do great work. But the small...
Having a hard time concentrating due to chatting desk buddies is a common problem in the small-scale office. For better or worse, everything tends to become a group activity. You work together, laugh together and...