

Ottar is a portable ovulation test kit that consists of a foldable paper test, a reader, and a user-friendly application. Its purpose is to analyze the daily levels of estrogen and luteinizing hormone in saliva,...


In the modern hospitality industry, outdoor furniture plays a crucial role in creating a cohesive and visually appealing environment. It is not merely functional but also contributes to the overall image of an establishment. Recognizing...


Culture Clash explores the factors that shape furniture within two cultures and examines what happens when these then are merged. The project investigates the influences of furniture in Ming Dynasty China and contemporary Sweden, to...


The amount of discarded products circulating in society is hard to grasp. Recycling is often the first go-to, if an object cannot be passed on through the second-hand market. However, with an alternative focus on...


For every cosmetic product a consumer buys, a new packaging (often plastic) is purchased together with it. Every year, this single-use behaviour stands for 120 billion units of cosmetic packaging. For Europe alone, this is...


Culture are in danger. Globalization provides an extraordinary opportunity for people from different countries and areas communicate with each other, which leads to culture intersection. Different kinds of culture are dying with the impact, remaining...


How to make the consumer love the product.

Not a Timeless Piece

Why is it so hard to count time?  Remembering which months that are longer and which ones are shorter, describing how long two weeks actually are and understanding how much is left of a year...

Life of hyphae

Fungi have inhabited the earth more than one billion years before humans, and out of the several million species types that is estimated to exist, scientists say that we only have discovered one percent. These...